Pastors Thoughts


PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of April 28, 2024

By this time, across our land, spring has sprung. In some places, winter has hung on tenaciously, not wanting to give way to the milder days and warmer temperatures. In many places, the struggle between the two seasons has been fierce, and many have suffered greatly.

In our prayers, we remember those who have lost loved ones, property, and treasured belongings in the storms. At the same time, we give thanks that our God is a God of great power and wisdom, with authority over nature, over the demonic world, and over death itself.

We give thanks to God for his great goodness. Martin Luther reminds us to look for the little things, the small blessings:” “Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection not in books alone, but in every leaf in the springtime.”

Let’s share in prayer: “In every plant, in every flower, I see the wonder of Your creation. Thank you, O God, for the promise of Spring…the hope of new life. Amen.”


PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of February 13, 2022

Sometimes, as we look at our lives and our experiences, we fail to see the good that God has planted inside each one of us. We are made, after all, in God’s own image (Genesis 1:27). Instead, we focus on our shortcomings and deficits, relating to ourselves and to the world around us as less than we truly are.

John R. Miller writes, “If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.”

St. Paul reminds us of this as he writes to the Philippians, “…I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (4:12-13 NIV).

Today, lean on this truth from God.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of February 6, 2022

As you move through the moments and the hours of your day, do you sometimes feel the need for some discerning wisdom, some trustworthy guidance along the path of life? St. James offers some direction at such times:

“But anyone who needs wisdom should ask God, whose very nature is to give to everyone without a second thought, without keeping score. Wisdom will certainly be given to those who ask” (James 1:5 CEB).

We pray: “Lord, thank You for the people You have divinely placed in my life who speak holy truth, love and words of wisdom. Give me a heart of discernment to know when You are using someone to speak instruction into my heart and my circumstances, and give me the strength and courage to follow through with that advice, even when it is hard. Fill me with peace in knowing that even if I take a wrong turn, Your purpose will prevail. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 30, 2022

As various situations and circumstances come our way in life, we sometimes are too prone to try to deal with them all on our own. If we can just remember that our God is the Creator of all that exists, and that Jesus the Christ comes to this world to bring us to God, and that the Holy Spirit powers us forward by supernatural force, all is well.

A simple verse like this reminds us: “I know that my Savior lives, and at the end he will stand on this earth” (Job 19:25 CEV).

A friend of mine offers this brief prayer to sum it up: “Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth.”

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 23, 2022

We live in a world of challenge and uncertainty. Sometimes only a day, or a moment, makes all the difference in the world. I have experienced this again in my own personal life. On Sunday, January 16, I awoke with a very bad case of vertigo. I’m still recovering from it today – a little bit at a time.

Even in such extreme cases, we rest assured in the promise of the love and care of our gracious Heavenly Father. As the psalmist reminds us, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8 NIV).

We trust our faithful God to keep the promises made so long ago, as they still hold true for us today!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 9, 2022

Sometimes, as we consider the Lord’s prophets from Old Testament days, we wonder what relevance they could possibly have to our own time and place in history. Their situation and circumstances are so different from ours, what could they have to say to us?

Isaiah writes, “Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness” (43:19 CEB). Which of us does not need to hear the promise of greater things yet to come? Across our land, the same is true. What segment of American society and culture does not need a word of hope for the future?

We trust our faithful God to keep the promises made so long ago, as they still hold true today!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 2, 2022

As we look around us in this world of sin, the darkness can sometimes be so overpowering. But our God is more powerful! All the evil and the corruption of God’s good creation can never overcome Jehovah, the great “I AM”. Our hope lies there, with our victorious God! Even death cannot overpower our Lord (Acts 2:24)!

The Bible gives it to us in the plain words of Jesus, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV).

This is our great and wonderful Christmas message, as we this week round out the Twelve Days of Christmas. Be sure to share this joy with someone else!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of December 26, 2021

Christmas – it is the season of giving. Over these past few days, many gifts have been exchanged – given and received by us and the ones we love and care about. It is a good thing for us, that we remember and give thanks to our loving God for these blessings.

Of course, the greatest blessing comes in the form of the new-born infant Jesus, lying in cradle and straw, among the animals that he created. And the greatest gift that he brings to us – to each one of us in our own way – is the gift of peace. As St. Paul writes, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15 NIV).

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of December 19, 2021

A mighty truth is enclosed in these few words: “When Light comes, the shadow can no longer exist.”

St. John writes, “In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (1:4-5 NRSV).

This week, we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ. May his coming enlighten your life and brighten your pathway as you move forward. Find someone else who needs to know this truth, and share it with that person.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of December 12, 2021

As we go about the concerns of our daily lives, sometimes it is so easy for us to forget that the Lord goes with us into every place, in every action, and with every person. Our regular interactions reflect the God who is within us.

The psalmist reminds us of this truth in the simplest of terms: “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (103:2 KJV)!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of December 5, 2021

Of all the concerns that are expressed throughout the day, which clamor for our attention, one of the most-basic is the longing for peace. Each and every one of us needs to experience the deep joy and strength of knowing the Lord God in a personal way. And then, we will know total and complete peace.

The prophet Isaiah refers to God as “The Prince of Peace” (9:6 KJV). And St. Paul puts it this way as he writes to his Christian friends, “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you” (2 Thessalonians 3:16 NIV).

This is the only way that we will ever know peace in all its fullness – peace with God, peace with others, peace within ourselves, and peace with all of creation.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of November 28, 2021

There is in the news again a new variant of the COVID virus – omicron, which apparently was first noted in South Africa. Certainly, considerations like this are of great concern to us, and the results may be anxiety, despair, even depression.

Sometimes, when we find ourselves in a hard situation, it is easy to forget that we are not in it alone. We are not in this life, this world, alone. Our Creator God is with us every day, each step of the way, the Great I AM, Jehovah (Exodus 3:14).

It is the same with every generation. “Then he continued, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them’” (Daniel 10:12 NIV).

God wants us to pray, not to worry. Our Lord is a faithful God who keeps every promise. Especially in time of trouble, keep yourself open to God’s presence and promise. And remind someone else of this truth, as well.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of November 21, 2021

Here we are at the end of the Season of Pentecost, as we have focused on the work of God’s Holy Spirit. To cap it off, we celebrate the Festival of Christ the King, heading into a week of Thanksgiving for all the blessings we receive in our lives from the gracious hand of our loving God, our Provider.

Both Old Testament and New Testament writers exhort us to remember that God is present with us in all things, and that God is always faithful to us. The psalmist writes, “Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods” (95:2-3). And St. Paul shares, “…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Find God’s blessings in your own life this week. And help another person to find the same in theirs. And then, return thanks to God, our Creator!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of November 14, 2021

We creatures of earth are created to be in close relationship with our great Creator God. But we have done wrong in the eyes of God and have separated ourselves from him, seeking to raise up ourselves rather than to recognize his authority over us.

As we come to realize this truth, we seek to overcome it and get back to that original reality. The Old Testament chronicler calls it to our attention: “Cry out, ‘Save us, God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, and glory in your praise’” (1 Chronicles 16:35).

Today also, we cry out to God for salvation from an evil generation that has separated itself from its Creator God. As you seek, and as you find, God’s deliverance in your own personal life, reach out and find someone else with whom to share it!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of November 7, 2021

We look at the world around us, and we wonder how close the “Day of the Lord” really is. Sometimes it seems awfully near. But those of earlier generations have thought the same thing. No one of us knows how far we are along the passage of time. Are we closer to the world’s creation, or are we closer to the earth’s destruction?

The church celebrates All Saints Day on November 1. All believers in the Lord, no matter their time and place in history, look forward to that great day when God will be victorious and destroy death and all evil forever. Old Testament prophets speak of it as a day of great fear, terror and dread (Isaiah 2:12; 13:6, 9). New Testament writers proclaim with great joy the triumphant victory of our Lord.

We are engaged in a great spiritual struggle, whether or not we may recognize it (Ephesians 6:12). But the promise is there for us, and for all who believe: “God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ…and raised us up…and seated us with him in the heavenly realms…” (Ephesians 2:1-10).

Claim this reality in your own life today, and share it with someone else, as well!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of October 31, 2021

This week, the Protestant Church celebrates the Reformation, the movement across Europe and around the world that led to modern-day Christendom. Led by Martin Luther in Germany, other reformers were working along the same lines in their own homelands.

Each of these reformers, whether speaking of their own families or their descendants in the Christian faith, would agree with the sentiment expressed in this statement: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

St. John expresses this reality as he writes to his friend Gaius, and the fellowship of believers with whom he gathers (3 John 1:4 NIV). Would that each one of us today express this same truth among those around us! Bless someone else today with this truth!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of October 24, 2021

Are you lonely, O my brother? Share your little with another. Stretch a hand to one unfriended, And your loneliness is ended.

In poetic rhyme and meter, we hear expressed in these words the thought and the intent contained in our Statement of Purpose here at Peace: “Reach Out to Serve Others in Christian Love.”

This is our Mission Statement; this is our goal, our objective, in discipling others for Jesus. We want to bring them into a meaningful relationship with our good and gracious God, the living Lord. In short, we want to bring them to faith. (Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:44-49; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:4-8)

In our service to others, we disciple them – we are working to acquaint them with Jesus and to bring them to him. How are you involved in this today?

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.


PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of October 17, 2021

Sometimes things seem to go our way, and sometimes they don’t, both in our personal lives and in corporate life. Congregations, communities, countries, and people everywhere have the same concern.

In the Holy Word, our God offers some advice to help clarify the issue: “The LORD will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your God and walk in obedience to him” (Deuteronomy 28:9 NIV).

When we drift away from God, either in our personal or our corporate life, then we may expect that things will go sour. God creates us to be in harmony with all things, and when those relationships are broken, problems result.

Thank the LORD for gracious guidance, wisdom, and discernment, to know how to make things right once again in our lives.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of October 10, 2021

One of my friends who was part of a prayer group that I attend has a fine ministry here in our community, and always encourages us to remember to pray for the lost. Those would be the ones who are separated from God by sin and evil, those who need to be brought back into the right relationship with God through faith in Jesus our Savior.

St. Paul speaks of this in these words, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:17-19 NIV).

We are called by God to do all that we can to build up one another, to work for unity, and to bring people together in our society. In doing so we find peace, as we bring glory to God, who is the ultimate unity in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of October 3, 2021

These days, we continue to look at what is going on in our land, and around the world, with consternation and distress. We hear continually in the news, “I have never in my life seen things this way,” along with ideas and suggestions of what can be done about it all.

We wonder, “Where is God in all this? Doesn’t God care about us?” God speaks loudly and clearly about it, through John the Evangelist, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:18-19 NIV).

Certainly, it is right and good that we should be concerned over what things take place in our world, and in our communities, and in our own personal lives. But that person who is in the right relationship with God understands that love always overcomes fear.

We see this most-fully in Jesus our Savior. As St.John puts it, “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him (1 John 4:16 ESV).

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of September 26, 2021

“The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life” (Job 33:4 NIV).

What amazing insight from a man of God! A deep truth that each one of us needs to spend time contemplating. Share your discoveries with someone else in your life.

While I was away on vacation this month, I have kept this reality in mind as I enjoyed traveling and seeing the leaves changing color along the roads, the brisk cooler temperatures, the crops and the cattle in the fields, and the friends and family I visited with.

God is good! Let us never forget this!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.


PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT  Week of September 5, 2021

There is so much going on in the world right now, all around the globe, this wide, wonderful created earth that the LORD has gifted to us. Amidst all the chaos and unrest, we sometimes wonder at what we can do to help. And the answer to that question is to pray.

Prayer is the most-important thing for us as Christian believers to offer right now. There is nothing more-powerful than prayer. People may spurn your appeals, reject your messages, and oppose your arguments. But they are helpless against your prayers.

As St. Paul writes to the Philippians, “…in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (4:6 NIV). Take to heart this admonition today, and bless another person with your prayers!

Since I will be away on vacation until the end of the month, let us continue to lift up one another in prayer before God’s throne of mercy and grace!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.


PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of August 29, 2021

Every moment of every day of our lives, the LORD God is with us, able to help us and to save us! We KNOW this, but sometimes it seems difficult for us to USE this truth. We can be stubborn, and sometimes blind, and fail to access the tremendous power that is ours through faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

The Old Testament prophet writes, “God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth. His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden” (Habakkuk 3:3-4 NIV).

Sometimes we are able to see God’s authority in great acts of earthly power and might. Sometimes we are not, but instead see God active in more-lowly, quiet, almost-passive ways. But God is always here, with us to guide and direct our paths, to bring his wisdom and guidance into our lives.

Be alert today to the ways in which God is working in your life. Are they more-active or more-passive ways? How do you see God at work as you relate to others around you? Clue them in to this reality, as well.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of August 22, 2021

Not only here in America, but all the way around the world, this week people have a huge bag of mixed feelings. We are shocked to be reminded that things can change so rapidly, right before our eyes. And sometimes, we do not know what to do or where to turn.

St. Paul shares with us these wise words of wisdom: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things” (Philippians 4:6-8 NIV).

God never intends for us to be weighed down with worry. Instead, we are to bring such concerns before God in deep and heartfelt prayer. The blue of heaven is larger than the darkness of the clouds. Remember that things also can change for the better – in the blink of an eye.

Rest assured in these truths this day, and look for others who are lost in the confusion of these times, and share with them your own certainty in faith.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

“PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of August 15, 2021

Frederick Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, left us these wise words of advice, “Never deliberate about what is clearly wrong, and try to persuade yourself that it is not.” My mother had the same piece of advice in these words, “If you have to ask yourself – don’t!”

St. Paul reminds us that our guide in the decisions we face is to be the Holy Spirit of God: “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us” (Romans 5:5 NIV).

And the young Mary, on hearing that she is to be the mother of Jesus, Messiah, has this response, “I am the Lord’s servant, May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38 NIV).

Our hope, and our guide to life, is God! Be open to God today for the power and the support that you need.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of August 8, 2021

As we continue to move forward through life, we all recognize that both good times and hard times come our way. We experience high points and low points on a regular basis. Some days are better than others.

Psychology points out to us that our attitude and perspective have a huge effect on the view we have of life, on the way we live life. If we begin the day with a optimistic outlook and a positive attitude, we are much more likely to have a good day. But if we begin with a pessimistic outlook and a negative attitude, it is more likely that the day will be more difficult for us.

The psalmist gives us good guidance for life in these words, “The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (118:6 NIV) This past Sunday I celebrated one of the high points in my own life – the 50th anniversary of my ordination to Lutheran ministry. To know that I can depend on the LORD’s faithfulness is a most meaningful reality for me, as I continue on now into the next 50 years of ministry!

My prayer for you is that you also know the faithfulness of our gracious God in your own daily experience! Share this truth with someone else! And here’s a little smile for you, as well: Why don’t Hawai’ians like to laugh loud? Answer: They prefer aloha! (Think about it – you’ll get it!)

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of August 1, 2021

We look at the world around us and perceive many needs, not least of which are our own needs. Our God promises to provide for our needs, and for some of our wants, as well (there is a distinction to be made between the two, you know). We ask for the discernment of God’s Wisdom to know the difference.

“What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us” (1 Corinthians 2:12). God promises us the insight of the Spirit to guide us in our ways.

May our gracious Heavenly Father continue to provide us with bread and drink, with power and love, with blessing and devotion to the cause for which he calls us out from the world – to be a part of the family of faith. May our loving Lord also use us to speak with, and to share with, others this marvelous message, so that they too may respond and come into the church.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of July 25, 2021

We are called into the Kingdom of God, the family of faith. In our own personal lives, our purpose is to glorify God and to build up the church. As members of the church, we are to share this Good News with others, all with whom we come in contact.

But sometimes we hear conflicting messages and don’t know what to believe, which way to turn. Peter and John face a situation like that, as told in Acts 4:1-31. “But Peter and John replied, ‘Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard’” (Acts 4:19-20 NIV).

And so it is for us today. We learn the Truth, and then we follow it. And we are led to bring others along the Way with us on the road to Life (John 14:6)!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of July 18, 2021

Every day now as we learn the news, it seems more and more evident that there are evil spirits running rampart across our land. Our people have never been more-divided than we are now. In our own experience, we seem to get along well with others, with all people, but in the darkness we lose our way and wind up going down the wrong path.

The people of Jesus’ time are the same – lost in the darkness of sin and separation from God. A Jewish leader, Nicodemus, comes in the darkness to ask Jesus about it all. And “Jesus answered, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit’” (John 3:5 NIV).

That is the solution to our troubles, our division, our separation – to be a part of God’s kingdom. Jesus the Son comes to show us the way, to be the Light in our dark world. Remember this truth today, and help to shine his light into the lives of others, as well.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of July 11, 2021

Life in this world can be hard on us in a variety of ways. As someone has said, “Life is not a bowl of cherries. It’s a bowl of cherry-pits.” But we can be encouraged, even so, that the Lord God has called us out of this pit (Psalm 130) and into a better life in relationship with God.

And there’s still more – our God calls us to witness for this new life that we enjoy and bear our testimony to others. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me! (Isaiah 6:8 NIV).

Wisdom is a divine endowment and not a human acquisition. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5 NIV).

Seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom as you share your faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord, and ask for the discernment to be alert to the many opportunities for witness that come your way each day.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of June 20, 2021

We look at the news each day and wonder what is happening to our country. We hear the stories of innocent deaths, and we learn of the terrible acts of violence that plague our life in this world, both natural and human. We wonder, “Where is God?” The Lord has promised to be with us always (Matthew 28:20).

Even the Old Testament psalmist affirms this Biblical truth: “The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace” (Psalm 29:11 NIV). We today catch up the same reality in the words of the old adage, a bit of a play on words: “No God; no peace. Know God; know peace.”

This day, I trust that you feel the powerful presence of God in your own life. Find another person and remind them of this truth.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of June 13, 2021

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days” (Joel 2:28-29 NIV).The Old Testament prophet speaks of our day, when we have received the Spirit of God in power (Acts 2). And the Holy Spirit sends us forth into the world to sow the seed of the

God’s Word among all peoples, far and wide, at home and abroad. And God’s garden continues to grow and flourish! This we recognize in the closing words of worship: “Go forth into the world to serve God with gladness;…love and serve God, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.” And we heartily respond: Thanks be to God.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of June 6, 2021

We are such special people! God creates us in God’s own image (Genesis 1:27); we are made to be like God, only a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8). We have a right to take pride in our position in life.

St. Paul reminds us of this close relationship that we enjoy with our creator: “Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father” (Galatians 4:6 NIV).

On this day, we give thanks to our loving Lord and share that fellowship with others who come our way in life. Indeed, we are such special people! Thanks be to God!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of May 30, 2021

As instructed, Jesus’ disciples wait in Jerusalem for the coming in power of the Holy Spirit. The description of the experience is quite dramatic: “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly” (Acts 4:31).

None of these people had spoken boldly before this, and the leader of the group had denied with an oath that he even knew Jesus (Luke 22:54-62). The Holy Spirit certainly brings a new power into these folks, witnessing for the Lord Jesus, the Christ (Acts 2:14)!

This week, the church celebrates the Festival of the Holy Trinity, recognizing the Triune Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Three Persons in One God. In the limitations of our finite human minds, we find it impossible to understand this truth. It is by faith that we believe.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of May 23, 2021

As Jesus has instructed them to do, his disciples have returned to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Advocate he promises them (John 15:26). Jesus says, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).

The disciples faithfully do as their Lord and Master, their Leader and Guide, instructs them to do, even as the Lord himself is faithful and true to every promise he ever makes.

Today, rejoice in the Lord’s promises of faithfulness to you! And the Lord’s joy also will be complete (John 15:11).

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of May 16, 2021

This past week (May 13), the church has celebrated the Ascension of Our Lord, as we remember Jesus’ return to his heavenly glory and power (Acts 1:1-11). Now, his disciples are commanded to return to Jerusalem, to await the coming in power of the Holy Spirit.

Long before the coming of Jesus, the psalmist recognizes this same truth, that we must be led by the power of the Holy Spirit in order to be doing the things of God. He writes, “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground” (143:10 NIV).

Strive this day to walk in paths of life that are pleasing to the Lord, following the direction of the Holy Spirit and the example of Jesus.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.


We continue in our celebration of the Season of Easter as we remember our Lord’s Resurrection to life eternal. Our belief and trust in his Resurrection bring the promise of our own resurrection. Jesus himself assures us of this powerful reality in these words, “For it is my Father’s will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life – that I should raise them at the last day” (John 6:40 NLT).

This week in our country, we remember and celebrate those who gave us the blessing of physical life – our mothers (and our fathers too). Mother’s Day is on May 9 this year, and we lift up these wonderful women who have given us our start in life, and who have helped to guide and direct us along the way.

Our Lord, and our mothers, what a perfect combination, an unbeatable team. We offer our thanks to our mothers for life in this world, and to our Lord for life in the next! Praise the Lord!!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of May 2, 2021

“One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple (Psalm 27:4 NIV).

We know that this is our joy in this life, to worship our God and Savior, Jesus the Son, and to be with his people in the fellowship of faith. But it is also our hope, and God’s promise, that we will do this forever – to be in the presence of the LORD and “to gaze on the beauty of the LORD” with his family for all eternity.

This is the promise of the Resurrection, as we continue to celebrate on this Fifth Sunday (and week) of Easter!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of April 25, 2021

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;…” (John 11:25 NIV).

Death comes to each of us, in our own time and place. It is a part of our being human. But we have a connection to the divine, as well – Jesus, our brother and the head of our family, the church! He strengthens and empowers us each and every day with the reality of his person. He is life, and he is more-powerful than death!

These words of hope and promise are for each one of us, and they bring us extreme comfort and courage when we find ourselves at the brink of death. Every day we hear in the news of those whose death is not expected, but still it comes to them. May the Lord find us ready and prepared to meet him whenever he comes to meet us!

Share with another person – friend or family member – the importance of this truth.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of April 18, 2021

St. Paul lays before us the truth of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus, as he writes to the Romans, “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his (6:5 NIV).

This astounding miracle is hard for us to comprehend – with our minds, even with all of our five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. We must come to it with our hearts, through the gift of faith. And such a recognition brings us immense joy!

Here is one of those joyful, humorous thoughts that you may not have heard yet:

Julie Andrews will no longer endorse cheap red lipstick. It crumbles easily and makes her breath smell. As she explains, “The super colour fragile lipstick gives me halitosis.”

This day, let us rejoice and celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection from death to life!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of April 11, 2021

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,…” (1 Peter 1:3 NIV).

We find ourselves still in a time of uncertainty. Some of the COVID restrictions are being lifted in various places, and we look forward to experiencing once again some of the freedoms that we have known in the past. We still wonder, and worry about, how things will be going forward.

Through the resurrection power given to us by our Lord Jesus, the Christ, we have the promise of assurance and certainty: “new birth into a living hope”! What more can we ask? What more do we need?

Give it some thought this day – and talk it over with a friend or family member.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of April 4, 2021

From our Psalmody on this Festival of the Resurrection of Our Lord, we read these words of hope and promise: “The LORD is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation” (Psalm 118:14 NIV).

On this day, we recognize the powerful truth of these words in the most-convincing way! CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! ALLELUIA! AMEN!

Our Easter greeting of joy and celebration!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of March 21, 2021

Dante, the Italian writer and philosopher, presents us with a sobering thought, “Consider that this day ne’er dawns again.”

When we think about it, we do live life one day at a time, don’t we? And we try not to squeeze any more into each one than we can handle. As ancient wisdom reminds us, “It is harder to see today when we are looking at tomorrow” – or yesterday, for that matter.

Here is one of our God’s precious promises from an often-forgotten prophet of the Old Testament: “From this day on I will bless you. – (Haggai 2:19b NIV).

Major words from a minor prophet! Spend some time with them today!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

Week of March 14, 2021

When things go wrong in our lives, when we get off-track, we may tend to think that God has no further use for us because we have strayed from the Way. But God will never leave us; we are loved and wanted in the family of faith. God may allow our hearts to be broken so that God can get deeper into them, like a thoracic surgeon opening our chest so that our weakened heart may be repaired.

In words to the prophet Job, God speaks of this: “For though he wounds, he binds and heals again. He will deliver you again and again, so that no evil can touch you” (Job 5:18-19 TLB).

How is your heart today? Does God need to repair it? Do you know someone else who needs this kind of attention? Give them your support.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of March 7, 2021

During this week in our Lenten series, we focus again on God’s many blessings for us, found in the pages of Holy Scripture. Here’s another one: “The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death” (Proverbs 14:27 NIV). The choice seems to me to be pretty clear – life or death.

You might also want to check out Deuteronomy 30:11-20 for another description of the choice.

How does your awareness of this choice affect your life today – at home, at work, in our community, in our State, in our country, in our world, in our eternal destiny? You might want to talk it over with someone else.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of February 21, 2021

Martin Luther’s favorite psalm was Psalm 46, “God’s Defense of His City and People”. He used it as the basis for our “Lutheran National Anthem”, the great hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, so familiar to us all. The words of both assure us of God’s great love for us, and God’s grace toward us.

We live in turbulent and trying times, when it can be so difficult to trust in anything or anyone. But we claim God’s promise to us, and revel in the Covenant God establishes with us. God’s love endures forever.

In your own life, claim these certainties today. And invite another person to do so, as well.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of February 7, 2021

We gather for worship these days, in our church facilities or in our private homes, coming together to praise the Lord God and to receive strength and power for being the church in the world today. We come together to hear God’s Truth, God’s Word, for living in this world.

All Truth is God’s Truth. “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17 NIV). The Law is in force, the Law stands, until Jesus cancels it, until the Christ breaks it.

In 1980, when Cincinnati Reds catcher Johnny Bench broke Yogi Berra’s record for home runs by a catcher, the New York Yankees catcher commented, in one of his unforgettable tongue-twisting and mind-blowing “Berra-isms”, “Congratulations! I always thought the record would stand until it was broken!”

How true of our faith! The Law of God stands over us until Jesus our Christ breaks it! Has this happened for you? Help to bring it to reality for someone else, as well.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 31, 2021

From the vantage point of a month into this year, what word would you use to describe the year 2020? Whatever word you use, I don’t think anyone would lament that it is over. We are ready, more than ready, for things to get better. Pierre Teilhard De Chardin in his book The Making of a Mind writes “The future, however, is finer than any past.” We are definitely ready for something finer and better than this past year! We know that 2021 does not magically bring about healing, both from the virus, and from the injustices and the divisiveness on display in so many arenas of our society. So where is our hope in this new year? How will things be different, let alone finer?

Our hope remains with God, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, who does not remain “unchanged” but whose continued presence and grace invites us into deeper transformation (Revelation 22:13, Hebrews 13:8). Our hope remains with God (Psalm 33:20-22) who invites us to ask, “Where is all this going? What have these struggles and challenges revealed, about God, about our calling as people of faith, about the needs of our neighbor?” All of creation truly has been groaning (Romans 8:22). Have we heard these groans? And are we willing to let ourselves be reborn into a new sense of what is “normal” or, more importantly, what is “just”?

There is indeed something about beginnings that gives us hope, new opportunities and possibilities to make the future finer than the past. When we get to the end of 2021, what word you like to use describe this year? How can you help to make those descriptions a reality?

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 24, 2021

As we continue to move forward through these perilous times, the Old Testament prophet reminds us of the LORD’s promise to us. In these words, he points out the truth and the strength that belong to us through the blessing of faith: “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 11:19 NIV).

What a blessing those words are for us, as we find ourselves so divided and separated by sin from the good life that God intends for us! Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will break into our hearts of stone and give us hearts that are warm and loving.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 30, 2022

As various situations and circumstances come our way in life, we sometimes are too prone to try to deal with them all on our own. If we can just remember that our God is the Creator of all that exists, and that Jesus the Christ comes to this world to bring us to God, and that the Holy Spirit powers us forward by supernatural force, all is well.

A simple verse like this reminds us: “I know that my Savior lives, and at the end he will stand on this earth” (Job 19:25 CEV).

A friend of mine offers this brief prayer to sum it up: “Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth.”

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 17, 2021

“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him” (Psalm 40:3).

As we continue to move forward through this new year, the psalmist reminds us of where our focus must be. In all that we do and say and think, we are called to lift up the name of our God to praise and honor, and work to build up the church.

How are you doing this today? How can you involve another person in the work?

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 10, 2021

In these often-confusing and alarming times, as our constitutional republic seems threatened from every side, we fret and are concerned. We are anxious and wonder why “we the people” are so divided. The answer can be summed up in one word: sin. Sin divides us, puts us at odds, with God, with others, with nature itself, and even within our own selves.

God provides the answer to the problem. Jesus, Son of God, Messiah, dies on a cruel Roman cross to bring us back together once again. St. James lays out for us the result. “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness” (James 3:17-18 NIV). Wouldn’t it be a wonderful blessing to witness these kinds of things spreading across our land and around the world?

And Jesus affirms it in these simple words, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9 NIV). Share this Good News today with someone who is confused and afraid.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of January 3, 2021

There is a Chinese proverb that says, “If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come.” It’s a lovely expression of hope and open-heartedness.

And what a way to begin a new year Anno Domini, “in the Lord.”

But someone reflects, It’s one of those inspirational thoughts that sometimes evokes in me a slight “niggling” feeling. Something doesn’t sit quite right. And that “something” is called iniquity, that deep darkness down inside each of us that leads us to stray away from God and into sin.

St. Peter helps us to make some sense of it. …”Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have…” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV). And the hope that we have is in Jesus our Christ, the newborn child.

Today, help someone else to make sense of this as you share your faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of December 27, 2020

“For you have a new life. It was not passed on to you from your parents, for the life they gave you will fade away. This new one will last forever, for it comes from Christ, God’s ever-living Message to (us)” (1 Peter 1:23 TLB).

What a rich blessing Christmas brings – the birth of our Savior to bring each one of us to eternal life! How have you experienced this treasure and rejoiced over it in these days of the Christmas Season? (This week, by the way, continues the Twelve Days of Christmas.)

“See how very much our heavenly Father loves us,…” (1 John 3:1 TLB). As we move now into a new calendar year, look into the manger, and see.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of December 20, 2020

There’s nothing like a classic Christmas song to truly get you in the holiday spirit. And one of the most popular songs we all know and love is”’Mary Did You Know?”

“Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?

Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?

Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?

This child that you’ve delivered, will soon deliver you”

This special tune has been performed by countless different artists from all sorts of different genres. Sadly, how often we forget that we are celebrating a birthday on December 25. It is the Christ Mass, the celebration of the birth of the Christ!

We tend to value our own presents, even those given to the ones we love and care about, above that great gift on this day – the gift of our Redemption! He makes us one again in relationship with our God.

As the prophet foresees, “In that day they will say, ‘Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation’” (Isaiah 25:9 NIV).

Indeed, Lord God, this day let it be so!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of December 6, 2020

Today in the church year, we observe the commemoration of probably the most-familiar and most-revered saint on the Christian calendar. St. Nicholas. Very little is known about him historically, but tradition credits him as Bishop of Myra (present-day Demre, Turkey). He was religious from infancy, devoted his life to good works, and was generous to the poor. His habit of secret gift-giving has given rise to the traditional model of Santa Claus (“St. Nick”). He is the patron saint of Russia, of sailors, of unmarried persons, and of children.

One of the most-difficult things to give away is kindness – it is usually returned.

You may have heard these words before, and the prophet affirms it: “’…but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you,’ says the Lord your Redeemer” (Isaiah 54:8 NIV).

Our gracious and loving heavenly Father shares good gifts with us, and invites us to do the same with others. 

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PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of November 29, 2020

As we move forward now into the Season of Advent, and a new church year, we recognize the Lord’s presence among us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God. Prophets and writers of all time point us toward him, and we return our thanks to God for this unmatchable event in time and eternity.

Declare his glory among the nations, and his wonderful works among all people” (1 Chronicles 16:24, 1599 Geneva Bible), says the Bible writer. And the psalmist adds, “Enter into his gates with praise, and into his courts with rejoicing: praise him and bless his Name. For the Lord is good: his mercy is everlasting, and his truth is from generation to generation” (Psalm 100:4-5, 1599 Geneva Bible).

This week, give thanks to the Lord, and praise God’s holy name. Share this good news with someone else!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

Week of November 22, 2020

This week, we come before God in thanksgiving, recognizing all the many and various blessings that we have received from his gracious and loving providence. To see God in everything makes life the greatest adventure there is!

The psalmist writes, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting” (Psalm 118:1 NASB).

Pray with me: “How true this is, Father! Help me look beyond the fear of the unknown to see You in everything. Renew in me the sense of adventure that comes from walking with You, and trusting in You. Amen.”

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of November 15, 2020

We continue to lift up and honor those who serve, or have served, in our military forces, including the new U.S. Space Force. As we look forward to a time of national thanksgiving, we remember to give thanks to God for the ministries of these servants of God.

St. Paul focuses our attention on the important considerations, as we see in the following verses. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,…” (Philippians 2:3-5). “Render service with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to men and women,…” (Ephesians 6:7). “Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain…” (1 Corinthians 15:58; all NRSV).

This quote from Anglican priest and writer Charles Kingsley seems to sum it all up well for us. “There are two freedoms – the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; and the true, where a man is free to do what he ought.” The psalmist concludes our thoughts. “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth…my hope is in you all day long” (25:4 NIV).

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of November 8, 2020

Things are in such an uproar in our lives right now. We’ve had a year of struggle with the coronavirus, and now a very contentious national election on top of it.

Sometimes, it makes us hesitant (if not fearful) to consider the future, to look ahead at what might be.

In the midst of all these things, we hear this word of promise from the Lord, and take heart: “Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee” (Psalm 143:8 KJV).

As we deal with our concerns and anxieties, may the Holy Spirit of God lift your spirit above the worry, and focus your attention on those two words above, from the psalmist: “hear” and “know.”

God is with us!  HEAR and KNOW that this is Truth!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration,and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of November 1, 2020

This weekend, the church celebrates All Hallows Eve (or Even – Hallowe’en) on Saturday, and All Saints’ Day on Sunday. The ghosts and goblins come out and spirits and spooks are seen roaming up and down our streets under the light of the full moon! Of course, these are scenes from the halcyon days of yore, those days when we did not have to concern ourselves with coronavirus. Every community and each neighborhood is doing things in its own way this year.

Such things are not related only to our own time. The Biblical prophet has to deal with it, as well. In the days when the Israelite people fear foreign invasion and conquest, many of them are turning to false gods and spiritism, looking for guidance and peace. Isaiah counsels, “When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? I will wait for the Lord… I will put my trust in him…Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning” (Isaiah 8:17-20 NIV).

And, of course, the testimony is given in the very next chapter, in the sign of a very special birth: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6 NIV). Let us, too, turn to this wonderful counselor, this prince of peace, for the wisdom and strength we need to face this day.

A prayer: “Father, I will ask you! Please show me the Truth (John 14:6). I am sometimes confused by the world’s answers and the world’s confusions. Please protect me from being misled and misguided. Amen.”

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of February 28, 2021

Here we are already, at the middle of the Lenten Season, and in our Sunday morning worship considering the many blessings of our faithful God, and our need to pray for them. The LORD’s promises to us begin long before our birth and do not end with our death, but continue on into eternity forever!

One of the final promises in the Old Testament is found in these words of the prophet Malachi, “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” Of course, the final promise relates to the coming of Elijah (3:10, 4:5-6).

And, in the New Testament, the final promises are there, as well. “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.” And these last words of the Lord, “Surely I am coming soon” (Revelation 3:20, 22:20).

Which of God’s many promises of blessing means the most to you?  Ponder on that reality today, and be aware of it in your life experience.

Please share this consideration with all your contacts:  family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far:  Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts.  Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of October 25, 2020

Sometimes it is so easy for us to get lost in the crowd. There are so many discouraged and lonely persons out there. Especially through difficult times in society and culture, such as we experience right now, it is hard for many to be optimistic, to have a positive outlook on things. Eleanor Roosevelt left us with this good advice: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Since we are spending more time these days at home with our families, we get an important insight into this reality from Barbara Bush: “I think that togetherness is a very important ingredient in family life.” Have you found it to be so? As we celebrate the Reformation this week, we remember that Martin Luther certainly recognizes the value of the common man and woman, and the family. One of his primary concepts is that of the priesthood of all believers.

A Hindustani proverb points us in the right direction: “Every man is the guardian of his own honor.” Certainly our Creator God honors us and places us in a highly-exalted position. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him (John 3:16-17 NIV).

And the psalmist takes us even deeper. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (139:13-16 NIV).

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

By the way, here is the answer to the question from last week: Connect-I-cut. Connecticut! One friend responded to me with the correct response.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT Week of October 18, 2020

The poet writes, “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” Though there is dispute over exactly where this quote comes from, the meaning is certainly clear: the sharing of love is one of the strongest bonds between persons that the Lord God has blessed us with. Many couples use this quote in their wedding bulletins.

Family, friends, neighbors, classmates, work companions, fellow Christians, all share a bond with each other. Nothing will ever be able to separate us from the most-important bond of all – our faith in Jesus the Christ as Savior and Lord (Romans 8:31-39). Nothing breaks that bond; it lasts for eternity!

Along that line, here is a little puzzle for you to figure out. Answer next week.

“This U.S. State name is made up of three words – in order. The first and third words have opposite meanings, and the middle word is very egotistical. (Hint: it’s not a two-word State name.)”

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of October 11, 2020

“THE LORD is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:5-7 NIV).

Sometimes, it is hard for us to keep things straight in our own minds. We seem to meet ourselves coming and going. But our all-knowing God understands it, even if we don’t. As we come to God in prayer, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to take our misconceptions and bumbling thoughts and make them intelligible at God’s throne of mercy and grace (Romans 8:26-27).

Whatever the concern in your heart right now, at this very moment, take it to God in full assurance that God knows the faintest murmurings of your heart and responds to that need (Psalm 139:4). And, maybe you know another person who needs to rest assured in this promise, as well. Speak to them now.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of April 18, 2021

St. Paul lays before us the truth of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus, as he writes to the Romans, “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his (6:5 NIV).

This astounding miracle is hard for us to comprehend – with our minds, even with all of our five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. We must come to it with our hearts, through the gift of faith. And such a recognition brings us immense joy!

Here is one of those joyful, humorous thoughts that you may not have heard yet:

Julie Andrews will no longer endorse cheap red lipstick. It crumbles easily and makes her breath smell. As she explains, “The super colour fragile lipstick gives me halitosis.”

This day, let us rejoice and celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection from death to life!

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

4, 2020

Recently, I have come across the online offerings of singers and choirs offering virtual music. A response to worship shut-down due to coronavirus lockdowns, we have discovered that we can still sing online.

One of my favorite songs from our Evangelical Lutheran Worship is Hymn #763, “My Life Flows On in Endless Song.” The lyrics are words of praise to God, from a grateful heart and an overflowing spirit. 19th-century American preacher and hymn-writer Robert Lowry gave us this wonderful music.

I have heard this song online, but it took me a while to discover that there is a secular version of the song. References to God and Christian faith have been changed, though the music is the same. It’s still a good piece of music, but I really do miss the Christian emphasis of the original.

When we share the Christian message of salvation through Jesus the Christ alone, we want to be sure that we do not get it mixed-up with a societal or a cultural message instead. How do we do this? Spend time in prayer with God, read and study your Bible, and be a regular part of a worshiping community, even if in these days it must be virtual rather than in-person.

Our Lord highlights it for us in these words, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6 NKJV).

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

PASTOR’S BROTH FOR THOUGHT – Week of September 27, 2020

We find ourselves already a week into the Season of Autumn, and the month of October is upon us. Temperatures are cooler, daylight hours are shorter, the stars in the night sky seem more brilliant, and the colors of each sunrise and sunset seem so much more magnificent.

Entering into a new thing always brings its own particular challenges and its own special rewards. British-born American poet Edgar Guest offers this illuminating advice: “I’m wishing at this very time that I could but repay a portion of the gladness that you’ve strewn along my way. And if I could have one wish this year, this only would it be: I’d like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me.” (Did you catch the cadence, the rhythm and the rhyme, as you read?)

American attorney and hymn-writer Charles Converse focuses it a bit more specifically for us: “What a friend we have in Jesus.” Have you spoken with your friend this day? Why not do it right now?

Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.

Week of September 23rd 2020

As you know, the power of prayer is meaningful and – the word is “efficacious” – it accomplishes that purpose for which it is sent. Thomas Watson, English Puritan preacher and author, emphasizes this for us in these words, “The angel fetched Peter out of prison, but it was prayer that fetched the angel” (Acts 12:1-19).

 The LORD is faithful to this word of promise: “Call to me and I will answer you…” (Jeremiah 33:3 NIV). Have you taken the LORD at his word today? In these days of fear and anxiousness, anger and frustration, find another person who needs to hear this promise, and share it with her/him.

 A prayer: Thank you, LORD, for the power of prayer, an open line of communication directly to your throne. Thank you for your promise to be faithful to us. How wonderful that we can call on you, and you promise to answer. Amen.

 Please share this consideration with all your contacts: family members and neighbors, friends and acquaintances near and far: Facebook and Twitter, e-mails and walls, blogs, texts, and other online contacts. Ask for their input on this consideration, and be sure to share that this is a part of our ministry here at Peace Lutheran Church, Hollister MO.